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  3. The effect of extranodal extension on survival in laryngeal carcinoma

The effect of extranodal extension on survival in laryngeal carcinoma


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It is known that lymph node metastasis lowers the survival rates in laryngeal carcinoma. This study aimed to investigate the effect of extranodal extension in lymph node metastasis on survival. The demographic characteristics and histopathologic results of 81 patients who underwent total laryngectomy and neck dissection due to advanced larynx squamous cell carcinoma between 2011 and 2018 were reviewed retrospectively. The patients were divided into 3 groups by lymph node metastasis status as reactive lymph node (group 1), lymph node metastasis without detected extranodal extension (group 2), and lymph node metastasis with detected extranodal extension (group 3). Survival analysis was performed between these 3 groups. In the patient population with a mean age of 61.56 years consisting of 6 females and 75 males, demographic characteristics between groups were comparable. Overall survival (OS) rates were detected to be 81% in group 1, 69.2% in group 2, and 61.5% in group 3. Two-year OS rates were detected to be 66.7% in group 1, 46.2% in group 2, and 38.5% in group 3. Statistical difference was detected between group 1 and group 3 both for OS and 2-year OS (P = .014, P = .008, respectively). No statistical difference was detected between group 2 and group 1, and between group 2 and group 3. In this study, we found a negative effect of detecting neck lymphadenopathy metastasis and extranodal extension on survival in patients who underwent total laryngectomy and neck dissection due to advanced laryngeal carcinoma.

The effect of extranodal extension on survival in laryngeal carcinoma
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