Humanıstıc psychology and carl rogers&abraham maslow abstract


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In this study was explained of humanistic psychology, which is described as the third force
by Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. Humanistic theory arose against two popular views of the
period. These two views, psychoanalysis and behaviorism, have been harshly criticized by
humanistic theory. In this study, deep differences between humanistic theory and psychoanalysis
were examined. Additionally, the differences between Behaviorism and Humanistic theory are
explained. Humanistic theory is a view that focuses on human and humans power of development.
In this study, Carl Rogers, one of the advocates of this theory, and the famous individual-centred
therapy as a result of the this view he defended are also mentioned. Carl Rogers emphasized that
our personality evolves as a result of reaching our potentials. But he also mentioned the obstacles
in front of person in the stages of self-actualization. In this work was explained self-concept, which
Carl Rogers believed to be the structure of personality. In this study also mentioned that the
development of personality as well as the structure of the personality. The concept of unconditional
positive respect, which is the most influential factor in the development of personality, is explained
with an example. Maslow focused more on the concept of self-actualization advocated by Carl
Rogers. According to Maslow, people have needs and these needs should be met in order of

importance. In this study, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Maslow’s characteristics of self-
actualize people are explained in detail.

Humanistic psychology, which emerged in 1960, was developed against two of the most
popular currents of the period. The main purpose of humanistic psychology and its advocates was
not to revise a view but to form a new view. Therefore, humanistic psychology emerged as a third
force against psychoanalysis and behaviorism. Humanistic theory is based on human and human

self-improvement and actualization efforts. Humanistic theory emphasizes that, unlike
psychoanalysis, human behavior is carried out consciously and under one’s own responsibility.
Besides, unlike psychoanalysis, humanistic theory emphasizes the here and now, not past
experiences and childhood traumas. Finally, another difference between the two is that
psychoanalysis has a pessimist point of view, while humansitic theory has an optimisitic point of
view. The humanistic approach also criticized Behaviorism, the second major psychological view
of the period. The humanistic point of view opposes behaviorists’ thoughts of explaining human
personality and behavior only with external factors and conditioning. According to the humanistic
point of view, when examining human personality, it is necessary to focus on the inner life of the
person (emotion, thought). However, according to behaviorists, human personality and behaviors
develop through operant conditioning in with external factors. Behaviorists argued that they could
explain human behavior with animal experimental results. They also associate this with 3 factors;
Genetic, current settings and history.Humanist theorists severely opposed this view. According to
the humanistic theory, human is a being with high qualities. Therefore, it is not possible to explain
the behavior of human with less developed animal. Another difference between humanistic theory
and behavioral theory is that behaviorists try to explain human and human personality in empirical
ways. According to humanistic theory, human personality is subjective. Person’s emotions,
thoughts, attitudes and consciousness affect their personality and behavior.

Humanistic theory has two major names. These are Carl Ransom Rogers and Abraham Harold
Maslow. According to Carl Rogers, a person can consciously get rid of the undesirable situation
he / she is in with his / her own effort.. Rogers created the individual-centered therapy based on
this idea. According to him, positive change after therapy is a result of one’s own thoughts and
feelings.. Rogers also believed that personality will be shaped by the moment we are in now, not
by the influence of the past. “Personality is affected by the present moment and shaped by how we
perceive it. ” (Schultz&Schultz,2013) he expressed this with his words. According to Rogers,

personality is shaped by a single positive force. This power is the self-actualization tendency of
the person. Self-actualization tendency is directly related to self-development and production in
accordance with one’s capacity. According to Rogers’ approach, a psychologically healthy person
is a person whose tendency to self-actualization is inhibited. The biggest of these obstacles is the
need for positive respect that we want to see from othersThe need for positive respect improves

self-esteem. According to Rogers, trying to satisfy self-esteem is the biggest obstacle to self-
actualization. In addition, Rogers emphasized that the self is the structure of personality. Self

concept is the state of separating oneself from other people and objects by being aware of one’s
self and experiences. The Ülkü self is the person’s perception of himself/herself in the way he/she
wants to be or achieve in accordance with his/her own wishes. According to Rogers, if these two
self conflict with each other, occurs an unhealthy personality structure. In other words, a person’s
self concept and ülkü self must be consistent with each other.. Finally, Rogers emphasized the
effect of satisfaction in childhood of unconditional positive respect on personality development. If
we explain this with an example; Consider two different reactions of a mother who saw the
children mess up the house. If the mother gets angry with her child after seeing this mess and
criticizes her child’s personality, the child will feel guilty.
As a result, the child will find himself incapable of self-actualization. If, as a result of this mess,
the mother tells her child that she is uncomfortable with this mess and that she needs to collect it,
the mother will both complete her needs and not judge her child. “Children who are unconditionally
loved and respected can achieve self-actualization.” (İnanç & Yerlikaya,2008). According to Rogers,

the most effective method is the method applied by the mother last. Because “The individual-
centered family emphasizes the sharing of non-judgmental feelings.” (Ewen,2003) According to Rogers,

psychologically healthy people are self-actualizing people.
Abraham Maslow, on the other hand, defined self-actualization as one of the highest needs.
According to Maslow, every person has basic and individual needs. These needs are in a hierarchy.

Maslow has called this the hierarchy of needs. According to this hierarchy of needs, the person’s
physiological needs are found in primary deva. These are a person’s basic needs such as sleeping,
eating, breathing, shelter, etc. After this step is satisfied by the person, comes the need for safety.
Here, person wants to live his life in a safe and predictable way. These can be emotional safety,
financial safety. The third step is belonging and love. The person feels the feeling of belonging
somewhere and the need to be loved by people. This step is very important for interpersonal
relationships and socializing. The fourth step is the need for esteem. Here one tries to satisfy two
kinds of needs for esteem. The first is oneself esteem and the second is the need for esteem by
others. It is the last and highest step of self-actualization. This need is very important for the person
to realize his / her potential and realize himself / herself.. The need for self-actualization may vary
from person to person. According to Maslow, in order to move from one step to the next, the need
in the existing step must be satisfied, albeit a little.. For example, a hungry person cannot think of
buying a new house, car or telephone. All she thinks is her hunger and eating food. However,
according to some people, the order of these needs may vary. For example, a person may want to
be esteem before belonging and being loved.
Maslow has emphasized many times the importance of self-actualize human in personality
development. A self-actualized person has many positive qualities. But there is an important point
to remember for Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Three new needs have been added to this hierarchy
of needs after in 1990. These are cognitive needs, aesthetic needs, and the need for transcendence.


Banu YAZGAN INANC.Ercüment YERLİKAYA. (2008). Carl Rogers-Abraham Maslow.
Ankara: Pegem Akademi.

Duane E P.SCHULTZ,Sydney Ellen SCHULTZ. (2013). Humanistic Theory. Boston: Cengage
Ewen, R. B. (2003). Humanistic Psychology-Carl Rogers. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates .

Humanıstıc psychology and carl rogers&abraham maslow abstract

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