The sphenoid sinuses SS are two pneumatized structures contained in the body of the sphenoid bone.[1] The SS are the most deeply situated paranasal sinuses surrounded by critical structures including the carotid arteries, dura mater, and cranial nerves II, III, IV, V, and VI .[2] Various anatomical studies have shown a wide variation in sinus size, orientation, pneumatization, and bone thickness.[3] Isolated sphenoid sinus diseases ISSDs are relatively uncommon among pansinusitis cases, accounting for about 1 to 2% of all sinus pathologies.[4] Many allergic,infectious, and neoplastic pathologies are causes of ISSDs.[2] Due to its isolated location and difficulty in approaching anatomical features, ISSDs are often overlooked.[4] While the most common symptomatic finding is headache, rhinorrhea, postnasal drip, nasal obstruction, impaired vision, and neurological deficits may also present with inflammatory or neoplastic SS pathologies.[5,6] Physical examination of sphenoid disease is difficult due to its depth in the skull base and one of every three cases shows olağan endoscopic examination.
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